Financial & Business Association
of Euro-Asian Cooperation

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Financial & Business Association
of Euro-Asian Cooperation



The Association’s goals are:
- representation and protection the rights and legitimate interests of members of the Association, providing them with advisory, methodological and other assistance in order to improve the effectiveness of their activities;
- development of joint decisions on the issues of financial, banking and business activities of interest to the members of the Association;
- formation and presentation of the consolidated position of the business communities of the Eurasian countries to state authorities and supranational bodies;
- assistance in creating conditions for effective financial, banking, trade, economic, industrial, scientific, technical and investment cooperation of entrepreneurs of the Eurasian countries.

 The Association’s tasks are:
- creation of a cross-border platform for financial, banking and business cooperation of the Association members on the territory of Eurasia;
- lobbying for changes in national financial, banking, trade, tax, customs and other legislation in the direction of their compliance with international standards and meeting the common interests of business communities in the Eurasian space;
- participation of Association representatives in the composition of public councils, permanent and temporary working groups, commissions established under executive and legislative authorities, in supranational authorities on issues affecting the interests of business communities of the Eurasian countries;
- expansion of cooperation with national and international organizations, unions and associations in the financial, banking, scientific, technical and entrepreneurial spheres, including conducting fundamental and applied research in the field of science, economics, finance and law;
- conducting market research, identifying public opinion on this topic, analyzing the state and trends in the development of economies, banking and financial services markets of the Eurasian countries. Including participation in the organization of management and control over the activities of stock, commodity, currency and currency and stock exchanges;
- assistance to Euro-Asian financial institutions and business communities in the development of draft contracts, agreements, model laws and other documents in the monetary, financial and trade spheres;
- development and implementation of new financial instruments adopted in world practice in credit and settlement relations between economic entities, as well as assistance in the development of consortium relations (syndicated loans) in the field of mutual trade financing, investment projects, factoring operations, bill circulation;
- organization of the exchange of current financial and economic information, regulatory documents, analytical and research materials among the members of the Association on the basis of created databases and information resources, including web portals;
- provision of consultations, recommendations and services to members of the Association on financial, banking, legal, consulting, personnel, accounting and other activities;
- assistance in the effective use of the reserves and opportunities available to members of the Association, assistance in planning, optimization and coordination of their activities in the field of management, entrepreneurship and finance;
- provision of services to members of the Association in the field of selection and implementation of various projects and programs, including innovative, investment and non-technical;
- provision of services to members of the Association to improve the quality of labor resources on the basis of a system of independent assessment and certification of professional qualifications of specialists in accordance with the requirements of professional standards of the countries of Eurasia;
- organization of training and assessment of employees' qualifications, development and examination of professional standards projects;
- organization and holding of dialogue platforms, seminars, conferences, forums, trainings, symposiums, exhibitions and other events for members of the Association, representatives of professional communities, companies, organizations and other structures;
- carrying out information, advertising and publishing activities, publishing scientific papers, magazines, newspapers, brochures, posters and other publications of an informational, methodological, educational and other nature;
- conducting international, Eurasian and national competitions in financial and banking, research, entrepreneurial, cultural and other fields of activity;
- establishment of Eurasian Awards in the financial and banking sector, entrepreneurship, scientific discoveries and culture;
- organization of the activities of the Association and its members in the mass media, including own Internet resources.