Interesting facts

Financial & Business Association
of Euro-Asian Cooperation

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Financial & Business Association
of Euro-Asian Cooperation

» Interesting facts


How to develop a Business plan


The business plan is a program of entrepreneurial activity. He describes the company’s planned products or services, market their implementation, financial needs and planned financial results. It is used for: 1. investment attraction; 2. of the loan; 3. a sober assessment of the real possibilities To develop a business plan that can lead to success, it is necessary to spend ...    
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UNIDO technique


The greatest distribution in Russia received a method of Organization for industrial development UN – technique UNIDO (United Nations Industrial Development Organization).
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Facts about loans


Although the country’s most eternal banks called Switzerland, the first Bank was opened in Venice somewhere in 1584. In countries that had an international trade route, and was the first Bank buildings. UK – the first Bank opened in 1694 for loans in the commercial-industrial system, the Netherlands is the first Bank appeared in 1609 – country pioneers, but in the end the Alpine state became a leader in the banking services, even not having easy access to the sea. A paradox, but a fact.
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10 richest people in the entire history


Question: who is the richest man in the history of mankind? Bill Gates? Warren Buffett? No, they are even and some were not, though they are very, very rich people. But the richest man in the entire history is John Rockefeller, if we measure its status as a percentage of U.S. GDP. Last year, Forbes has made his annual list of billionaires, which included 946 people from all over the world. Their General condition is measured 3.5 trillion dollars. It’s more than the gross domestic product of Germany – the third economy in the world. Today we will tell you about 10 of the richest people in the history of mankind.
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Swiss banks – interesting facts


The banks of this Alpine country have long reinforced concrete fame as the most reliable in the world. In 1815 the Congress of Vienna took the guarantee of the neutrality of the country of Switzerland. Since then she has not participated in any war in the world and its banking credit organization has never been robbed. However, even when Ludvika XVI one of the Swiss bankers – Jacques Necker was so steep that became the first person of the Finance Ministry neighboring France!
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Interesting facts about banks


The first institutions that took on the storage of money and valuables, were the temples. For example, the inhabitants of ancient Athens kept their savings in the temples of the Acropolis and the medieval Europeans often save money in the monasteries.
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