B20 Side Event Forum, A Public – Private Dialogue on Fostering Integrity and Good Governance in Infrastructure
On September 16, 2022, Head of FBA EAC Representative Office in Australia and New Zealand Irina Gorbulina took part in an event held within the framework of the B20 "Public-Private Dialogue on Promoting Integrity and Good Governance in Infrastructure" (B20 Side Event Forum, A Public – Private Dialogue on Fostering Integrity and Good Governance in Infrastructure). The Forum was attended by representatives of government agencies of Indonesia, heads of large companies, international research institutes. Among the speakers were the Head of the B20 Shinta Kandoni, President of ICC Indonesia Ilham Habiboy, Head of the Institute of Public Administration in Basel Jahani Grossman and others. Important issues related to fighting corruption and reformatting the system of public-private partnerships were discussed at the event.